On January 3, during Bible study time this morning, the older students of Immanuel Academy STL shared their yearly scripture and 10 prayer topics of 2024. They also drew the yearly verse for Mr. Samuel and Ms. Valerie from Immanuel church. Students’ prayer topics and their understanding of the yearly scripture was very touching. Ms. Michelle also shared 10 school prayer topics of 2024. Students were excited about the great changes coming to their school.
Most of them memorized their yearly verse at home already. There are several children who can memorize their parents’ yearly scriptures.
Some prayer topics shared are:
* I want to read the Bible at least once this year. (Most students shared this.)
* This year I want to get closer to God. (Most students shared this.)
* I want to obey my parents truly, not superficially. I always just do what they want but my heart doesn’t follow. I want to change this. (Two students shared this.)
* I want to love my siblings and not be angry with them.
*I want to make peace with my brother. I don’t want to fight with him anymore.
*I want to be healthy spiritually and physically.
*I want to lose weight and eat more healthy food.
*I want to pray for the new teacher.
It’s a great start to the new year. Hope the whole school can read bible more, pray more and get closer to God this year.